Belief Is not a word - explanation
Belief is not a word. why? Few things can only be experienced.

Now, first of all, today, we are in this CORONA pandemic situation. what is everyone's wish today? well 100% they want to be safe, they want their family to be safe, they want their friends to be safe. So, nothing more they want in this situation. From which we can understand that everyone wants to live.
The next basic requirement what we need to live is BELIEF. Without which we cannot survive in this planet/universe. With BELIEF you are holding yourself back to life. You are listening to the soul/divine/life energy/ where you get the start from life.
From BELIEF arises CONFIDENCE. From there we are starting to see things around you. EVERYTHING IS ALREADY PRESENT IN THIS UNIVERSE. It is always present but we are not able to see it.

SITUATION 1: when someone is getting a headache, if they wish to get it cleared, and if they BELIEVE that they are going to be OK, they will be fine soon. But, if they ignore their wish and they suppress it with a tablet, thereby they are neglecting the WISH as well as their BELIEF. Slowly, they are losing connection with their GOD. Day by day, the headache will become a permanent disease. This is how we are allowing the disease to grow in our mind and body.
SITUATION 2: When someone is depressed, because of some issues, and if there is a WISH from their heart, that soon everything is going to be fine, and if they BELIEVE it, definitely they will be fine, unless they pollute it with their own new ideas. Once BELIEVED, DON'T DOUBT. When, we doubt, the connection with the GOD is lost. Re-establishing lost connection takes too long. But, if GOD forgives, there is a possibility.
SITUATION 3: I have a friend, who prays GOD, performs Pooja/rituals all the time, BELIEVES in performing rituals, but not in GOD. When, she gets any health related issues, suddenly goes to DOCTOR, believes him/her and follows the treatment. It is OK for them, even if they want to remove an ORGAN.Every ORGAN is made in our body for our lifetime. If, there is one CREATOR, who created everything does he not know how to take of US, only thing we have to do is to BELIEVE in him.

This cannot be explained in one post. Will come up soon with new post with more details.
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