Harry potter - Horcrux - Get Clarity.


  wow.. who does not love to watch "Harry potter".. I love them..I take this oppurtunity to thank the author J.K.ROWLING, for their creation. I have watched all the parts many times..Thanks to the Director of the movie series, Chris ColumbusAlfonso CuarónMike Newell, and David Yates.

So, for Harry Potter fans, there is always something we can learn from the movie.. In this blog we are going to learn from HORCRUX.. I will try to make things as simple as possible.. Now no more delay. Lets get into the topics. 

HORCRUX: A "HORCRUX" is something where "LORD VOLDEMORT" have saved his soul. He ripped his soul and stored into objects. Those objects were called are "HORCRUX" in the story.

The first HORCRUX was the philosopher's stone/Sorcerer's stone. The DARK power tries to get it to gain power. But, Harry din't give it and he was guided and protected by his mother's love. 

GET CLARITY: We will always be loved and protected when we are in the path of honesty, truth and righteousness. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH. Find the difference between the easy path and the right path..

The second HORCRUX was "TOM RIDDLE's DIARY". Tom Riddle was the name of Lord Voldemort when he was small.
The Diary was just a memory. Yet, it was so powerful to destroy others mind.

GET CLARITY: Mind is nothing but a collection of memories. CLEAN it often.Throw away unwanted memories. Memories are strong enough to kill one, and strong enough to make us live. Understand and get clarity.

The third HORCRUX was "The locket of Salazar Slytherin", it took a longer time to destroy it. Before destroying it, the object was trying to pollute the mind of Ron, Hermione, Harry.It was destroyed by Ron, with the "Sword of gryffindor". The Sword presented itself when there was a need.

GET CLARITY: Few objects are like this. It will try to overtake us. If you keep too much affection on worldly things, it will try to overtake you. For example, if you like your new mobile phone, then you are too much attached to it. Less attachment to objects, More attachment to life. If, you are in right path, you will always be presented with things which you need, at the right time.

The fourth HORCRUX was "The cup of Helga Hugglepuff", it was in Godric's Hollow. It was destroyed by Hermione with a basilisk fang in the chamber.

GET CLARITY: Beautiful things will be easily obsessed. The cup was small and beautiful. But, it was one of the Horcrux. Similarly, don't attach yourself to beautiful things. Beauty fades. Everyone will get old with time. 

The fifth HORCRUX was "the ring of Gaunt Marvalo", it was destroyed by Professor Dumbledore. He was surprised to know what it was made up of. He was so confused, he never imagined the power of ring. It was so strong. Dark was so strong. But, he destroyed it.

GET CLARITY: If there is something very dark and powerful, there is always a bright power, too powerful to destroy it. Always, it is not the end. There is always a new beginning. Professor Dumbledore, was able to destroy the dark ring. So, are you. 

The diadem was the sixth Horcrux. In the 7th part of the movie, Harry potter and the Deathly hallows - Part 1, this will be shown.
Small, beautiful and easily possessed are the keywords used by Harry to describe the HORCRUX. It was later destroyed by Harry with the basilisk fang.

GET CLARITY: All the crowns are not beautiful, but they are heavy. Heavy with power, with responsibilities, with leadership. 

The snake was the seventh Horcrux and it will be destroyed by Neville Longbottom, with "The Sword of gryffindor". The sword itself presented before him, when there was a need, and Neville was a true gryffindor.

GET CLARITY: If you are true, honest and loyal, God will guide you and show you the path.

Harry founds out that he himself was a Horcrux, and he knew that he has to be killed by Voldemort himself. Harry had all the three things mentioned in the story THE THREE BROTHERS
1. The elder wand.
2. The invisibility cloak.
3. The resurrection stone.
After understanding that he has to die, he showed his bravery. He presented himself before Voldemort and took his curse. But, after that he came back. God always have better plans.

GET CLARITY: Be Brave all the time. Be Brave even when baddest things happen to you. Be Brave even when you are surrounded by problems. God always have better plans.


There is always something we can learn from our favorite stories. Get clarity from the things you see, you learn and understand it part by part. Thank you all. 



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