anger :: liver :: eye :: get clarity
Hi all, This blog is to make you understand that there is a connection between, liver, eyes and anger. I have used the acupuncture concept to explain this. At the end of this blog, you will learn two important acupuncture points to strengthen liver. 5 elements and organs: The five elements are 1. Fire 2. Land 3. Air 4. Water 5. Tree we are also made up of these elements in our body in the form of organs. According to acupuncture we have 12 important organs. All these organs lies in the middle part of our body. For fire - 4 organs - Heart, pericardium, Small Intestine, triple warmer Land - 2 organs - stomach and spleen Air - 2 organs - Lungs and Large Intestine water - 2 organs - kidney and urinary bladder Tree - 2 organs - Liver and Gall bladder. Liver: Tree of the body Liver is the important organ of our body. Our defense system of the body. It falls under the element called Tree. the outer organ for the liver are the Eyes. Eyes are connected to the e...
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