hi all, thank you all for reading the blog. I will try to keep things as simple as possible, so that it will be easy to understand. Learning is important. You can do it anyway. Reading blog is one of the way, thanks for coming forward to learn new things.
Now, lets get into the topics:
This blog is to explain
1. How universe actually formed? BIG BANG THEORY
2. Homogeneous nature of universe.
3. Expanding nature of universe.
4. Heat is the initiation of BIG BANG
1. How universe actually formed? BIG BANG THEORY:
BIG BANG THEORY says that everything started with a BIG BANG. Everything means everything including particles, matter, atom, air, energy - started from the BIG BANG of something. No one knows what that something is.
So, in simple terms, the universe today started from nothing. Then a point appeared and it stayed in same size for over 300 billion years, study says. They call it singularity.
So, from nothing SINGLE thing happened, that single thing, grew slowly, and suddenly a burst happened, they call it the BIG BANG. The reason for the BANG is the HEAT, that is FIRE. Later, particles started forming. From particles, matter, protons, neutrons, hydrogen, helium, water and everything including plants, animals and humans happened.
So, it all started with nothing.
Scientists, or Astrophysicists state that, if they watch through telescope, they found that the UNIVERSE is homogeneous in nature. HOMOGENEOUS means it is the same everywhere.They found out that there is NO BIG CHANGE, it is same everywhere. It is explained in detail with STRING THEORY.
3. Expanding nature of universe:
They also found out that the universe keeps on expanding from the moment the BIG BANG happened and it is expanding even now the moment you are reading this. You cannot find out the starting point as well as the end point of the universe.
It started from nothing and YOGIS say that by doing meditation, you will reach a state where you will find that you came from nothing and the end point of universe is nothing.
That is what is my topic all about: NOTHING - EVERYTHING - NOTHING. Universe started from nothing. then with a BIG BANG everything happened, and again by deep meditation you will understand that NOTHING concept. My goal is also to motivate you to do meditation. Expand yourself, you are also the part of universe.
4. Heat is the initiation of BIG BANG:
The initiation of BIG BANG started with Heat. Without heat there wont be any BANG. BIG means we all know something large and BANG means a sounded explosion, for that to happen the triggering stimulus is the HEAT. Even today the life is possible because of the HEAT energy. If there is no SUN, no life.
Just like BIG BANG, our Body also started with Heat. Heart is the first organ that started beating when we were inside our mother's womb. So, Heart falls under the category called FIRE. According to acupuncture concept, we have 5 elements in our body in the form of organs.
thank you all..
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