Uterus: Get clarity

Uterus is a female organ, located in the lower abdominal area of a female body. That organ has the ability to bring a human to this earth. It is the place when a full human can grow. In this blog we are going to understand about uterus and its importance.

Table of contents:

1. uterus - a combination of five elements.
2. uterus - a place where child grows.
3. contraction and expansion of the uterus - for the child birth.
4. cysts, operation and removal of uterus - solutions:

1. Uterus - a combination of five elements:
Uterus is a combination of five elements, only then the place where the human baby is growing, can be made up of all those five elements.(acupuncture concept)

The five elements are fire, land, air, water and tree. The human body has all these five elements in the form of organs. 12 organs fall under the five elements category.

So, when there is a problem in the uterus, it is not the problem of the uterus alone. It is associated with the other organs.
Cyst - kidney (water retention) - too much water in the uterus.
spotting/ yellow discharge (spleen) - improper digestion.
white discharge (lungs) - weakness of lungs.

Giving energy to these organs will help solve the problems.
Below picture shows the location of Sp - 5 point. Gently massage over the point(acupressure) for 30 seconds to 1 minute to strengthen the spleen. This point can be used even for bloating issues.

2. Uterus - a place where child grows:
Uterus is a place where child grows. It takes 40 weeks for the human baby to grow into it's full form, physically, mentally and emotionally. The medicines that are taken during the pregnancy is said to have side effects.

The medicines just gets stored inside the organs of the formed babies and it gets deposited in the tissues, and that is the reason for many diseases, says the DIVINE healing. So, eat healthy foods and fruits. That is more than enough.

As long as the baby is inside the uterus, it is safe and protected. It is protected by the amniotic fluid and the supreme power(God). When it is time for the baby to come to this world, the uterus has to undergo expansion and contraction.

3. Contraction and expansion of the uterus - for the child birth:
Everything in this nature expands first. So, it is the expansion of the uterus that happens first, followed by contraction , then expansion and contraction. This way, the baby inside the uterus comes out to this world.

According to the Big Bang theory, universe is still expanding. So, expansion is the first process that happens, even in the heart the expansion happens first.

If the child doesn't cry after birth, then points UB- 13, UB-38 can be massaged to trigger the functioning of lungs. This will help the child to breathe. The large intestine functions only after the functioning of lungs.

Air elements - Lungs and Large Intestine.
Lungs - The mother organ of the Air element in out body.

4. Cysts, operation and removal of uterus - solutions:
The organ that differentiates the male and female is the Uterus.
Uterus secretes hormones like estrogen, progesterone that are useful for the women, not only for menstruation, periods, but also for the healthy heart and the healthy life.

The removal of the organ is thus not the solution. When you have any issues or troubles at that stage itself go and get treated yourself from a proper acupuncture therapist or healers. Surgery is not the solution.

Acupuncture gives necessary energy for those organs which needs energy. There is plenty of energy in this atmosphere and a little bit of energy is what you need to get rid of that pathogenic force inside your body. So, don't worry. There is always solution for those who are looking for it.

Uterus : a treasure for women and men.
A place where life can happen.
The day all the women in the world have problems with the uterus no more human life will happen.
So, protect women and the generations. 


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