
my air india experience - during pandemic

 hi all, welcome to my blog, In this blog, I will be sharing my travel experience during August 5th from San Francisco to India. Today is August 12th, 2020. It is almost a week and we are in home quarantine. Let me share you my experience, if you ever wish to travel, check the following. Table of contents: 1. Forms to be filled. 2. San Francisco International Airport. 3. flight travel. 4.Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi. 5.  Holiday Inn, Delhi Airport. 6. Madurai Airport. 7. Home quarantine. 1. Forms to be filled: Repatriation form::  As we planned to travel, the first thing we did was to book the Repatriation flight. Then, we filled the repatriation forms, got the confirmation number. This has to be filled for every passenger, even if it is a baby. Everybody's passport number has to be entered and a confirmation code will be generated for every passenger. Undertaking form::  This has to be filled in the airport before you check-in your luggages, this form ...

Uterus: Get clarity

Uterus is a female organ, located in the lower abdominal area of a female body. That organ has the ability to bring a human to this earth. It is the place when a full human can grow. In this blog we are going to understand about uterus and its importance. Table of contents: 1. uterus - a combination of five elements. 2. uterus - a place where child grows. 3. contraction and expansion of the uterus - for the child birth. 4. cysts, operation and removal of uterus - solutions: 1. Uterus - a combination of five elements : Uterus is a combination of five elements, only then the place where the human baby is growing, can be made up of all those five elements.(acupuncture concept) The five elements are fire, land, air, water and tree. The human body has all these five elements in the form of organs. 12 organs fall under the five elements category. So, when there is a problem in the uterus, it is not the problem of the uterus alone. It is associated with the other organs. Cyst - kidney (water ...

anger :: liver :: eye :: get clarity

Hi all, This blog is to make you understand that there is a connection between, liver, eyes and anger. I have used the acupuncture concept to explain this. At the end of this blog, you will learn two important acupuncture points to strengthen liver. 5 elements and organs:  The five elements are 1. Fire 2. Land 3. Air 4. Water 5. Tree we are also made up of these elements in our body in the form of organs. According to acupuncture we have 12 important organs. All these organs lies in the middle part of our body. For fire - 4 organs - Heart, pericardium, Small Intestine, triple warmer Land - 2 organs - stomach and spleen  Air  - 2 organs - Lungs and Large Intestine water - 2 organs - kidney and urinary bladder Tree - 2 organs - Liver and Gall bladder. Liver: Tree of the body Liver is the important organ of our body. Our defense system of the body. It falls under the element called Tree.    the outer organ for the liver are the Eyes. Eyes are connected to the e...

3 simple meditations: get clarity

hi all, Everyone wants to improve their life. But how?? By changing their lifestyles?? yes, may be. But, first they should start to Meditate. That is the only way they can evolve. So, to evolve further the key we have is meditation. we are going to learn 3 very simple but easy meditations in this blog. 1. Breathe: Breathe is a blessing. The air we breathe is not made by us. It is a blessing. We might have control over the food we eat and the water we drink. But, we cannot control air. So, it is a way to meditate. Following your breathe will take you to greater heights. So, first start focusing on your breathe. Go with your breathing. Simply focus on your breathe, that way you can slowly turn inward. Meditation is the key to inner journey and focusing breathe is the very simple and very basic thing. 2. The pause between the breathe: Inhalation --- pause---exhalation---pause Focus on the pause. After inhalation, there will a pause, and after exhalation there will a pause. Now, this is a ...

உடலும் பஞ்ச பூதங்களும்:அதை சார்ந்த உறுப்புகளும் :: our body's five elem...

our body is made up of five elements, and these elements are in our body in the form of organs. According to acupuncture concepts, these organs are categorised under five elements. they are explained in this video clearly. Have a look.


hi all, thank you all for reading the blog. I will try to keep things as simple as possible, so that it will be easy to understand. Learning is important. You can do it anyway. Reading blog is one of the way, thanks for coming forward to learn new things. Now, lets get into the topics: This blog is to explain  1. How universe actually formed? BIG BANG THEORY 2. Homogeneous nature of universe. 3. Expanding nature of universe. 4. Heat is the initiation of BIG BANG 5. GET CLARITY 1. How universe actually formed? BIG BANG THEORY: BIG BANG THEORY says that everything started with a BIG BANG. Everything means everything including particles, matter, atom, air, energy - started from the BIG BANG of something. No one knows what that something is. So, in simple terms, the universe today started from nothing. Then a point appeared and it stayed in same size for over 300 billion years, study says. They call it singularity.   So, from nothing SINGLE thing happened, that single thing, ...

"Meditation and Immunity" : Get clarity

Hi, this blog is to make you understand that if you do meditation regularly for 90 days, your immune system will boost up. So, lets get started. Table of contents: 1. Meditation: what is that? 2. Immunity: what is that? 3. Meditation and Immunity connection: 4. what meditation should I follow? Lets jump into the topics. 1. Meditation: what is that? Meditation is a technology, I will say. Because, through this technology you can change everything. This technology involves focusing on particular thing for a longer period of time. This technology sharpens your concentration power, your focusing capacity, thereby your mind stop wandering places. Once, wandering stops, magic happens. Experience it, start meditating. The thing that we focus are not materialistic. They are all Godly. Say for example: focusing on the breathe, (here breathe is not made by man). Go for big things. For example, nature, universe, etc. You cannot put them inside a book. It is so big, you cannot even finish learnin...